ELF Weekly's Class Ideas

     Hiya Mates,
            This Tuesday I am planning to expose a few Ideas I have about an English as a Lingua Franca (Henceforth ELF) in the English Classroom. At the language Institute where I work here in Brazil I have to deal with content, since the beliefs at this very institute lie upon communicative approach, in the sense that I have to apply grammar, vocabulary, oral skills, listening, written production and so on based on a communicative situation (For further information about the functionality of the communicative approach and other approaches check the book - How Languages are Learned 4th edition - Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers - Oxford University Press, P. M. Lightbown and N. Spada)*. 
          This fact led me to a reflection today, I am willing to teach the content offered by the book using a different perspective, for example, instead of showing them a "British communicative situation" (Henceforth BCS) I will be showing them another variety, for example Indian or maybe Brazilian, the only barrier to that is the finding of the material and the time to be spent in search of those, but nothing comes if you don't pose yourself to it. 
          So, today, with my students, instead of teaching them with listening and multi-modal materials directed to an Inner Circle Approach (KACHRU) I will be teaching the content proposed by the school schedule but in a broaden ELF perspective, showing them that English is all over and that it is not as far as they think from their own everyday lives. Bellow I'll be bulleting a few points of how my class might be organised, in this case, what I'm aiming at and how I'll be doing that.
  • Approach a good variety of English speaking people all over the world
  • Objective: Create Awareness and enable students to face other Englishes
  • Teach the content proposed using a different English Perspective 
  • Objective: Detach the "only" reality known by the students fixed in the Inner Circle
  • Make Students reflect on the idea of the English spreading 
  • Objective: Approaching the ideas of English as a Global Language in the English Classroom
          After have taught the class I'll let you all know how it was and post my lesson planning here to expose how my class took place. Have a great Afternoon! Cheers!

*Available at Google Books


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